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I am married to my best friend with three beautiful daughters. We spent 20 years in the United States Marine Corps and I am now a full time preacher.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bible thumper or Bible dumper

The enemy is advancing and it's my fault. I use to make fun of those "bible thumpers" who walked around with their bibles and talked about Jesus all the time. They would say, repent and be baptized or go to Hell and be condemned for ever. How could they be so unforgiving, I would say. Why don't they tone it down and be more tactful. If they would only talk a little softer and not talk about Jesus all the time, I might take them more seriously. It's like I rubbed the magic latern and poof, it came true. Now we have people saying there is no God, or there is a God and He loves everyone just the way you are. We have people leaving the Church and a government who is more concerned about other religious groups than honoring the one and true God. We have allowed dangerous language to influence our behavior toward each other where violence becomes what they believe to be the only way. Fanatics killing Christians. We have gone from "bible thumpers" to "bible dumpers". This is my fault and I will not stand silent anymore, will you stand with me? Let's bring back the days where we stand firm for Gods Word. Don't back down from what the Bible says, don't make excuses for God's teaching. There is no such thing as too much Church, or too much Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it!! So true and the deeper I fall for Christ the more thumping I want to do. ~Kaz
